Windows 10 desktop zooms in automatically causing contents cut off

When windows 10 detects certain high resolution monitor is connected, it will zoom in the desktop automatically and cause Dynasign player contents appear to be cut off. To correct this problem, please use one of the two methods listed below to override the high DPI scaling.

To quit Dynasign player, presse CTRL+F1

Method 1. Add a String value in Windows registry

Registry location,

HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE \Software\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion\AppCompatFlags\Layers

If you don't see \Layers, add this Key first, then add String Value 'c:\Dynasign\Dynasignplayer3\Dynasignplayer.exe', the Value data for the string is '~ HIGHDPIAWARE', please note there is a space after ~.

Method 2. Set Dynasignplayer.exe to override high DPI scaling directly
  1. Use file explorer to go to c:\dynasign\dynasignplayer3\, locate the file named dynasignplayer.exe, right click on the file name -> Properties
  2. On the Properties window, click on Compatibility tab, look for a button called "Change high DPI settings", click on that and look for the check box for "override high DPI scaling behavior", check that box.
  3. Click on OK, and OK

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